Auto parts companies also need to follow Industrial 4.0 remote CNC or entry point

Core Tip: According to foreign media reports, most car companies are actively using the Industry 4.0 standard. As a result, major parts suppliers are not far behind and strive to achieve the digital manufacturing required by Industry 4.0. However, some people think that the fourth industrial revolution is very attractive to engineers in the automotive industry, which is mainly reflected in short-term goals, including the use of numerical control systems, to improve the performance of a specific stage of the manufacturing process, rather than replace the entire production line . Many large car companies have started to use Industry 4.0, and Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers should follow suit and begin to transition to digital production. Otherwise, they will lose their competitive advantage.


According to foreign media reports, most car companies are actively adopting Industry 4.0 standards. As a result, major parts suppliers are not far behind and strive to achieve the digital manufacturing required by Industry 4.0.

The transition to “digital factory” is not as easy as the industry expects, and it requires a lot of investment to replace the existing system with the technology and equipment required for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Many engineers believe that to achieve this transformation, it will take at least several years.

However, some people think that the fourth industrial revolution is very attractive to engineers in the automotive industry, which is mainly reflected in short-term goals, including the use of numerical control systems, to improve the performance of a specific stage of the manufacturing process, rather than replace the entire production line .

In the vehicle assembly process, this method can be used to monitor the operation of the robot. The factory can use an affordable, discrete digital controller that uses microwaves to analyze potential faults and perform appropriate processing before the robot's performance is affected.

During operation, if a potential performance problem is identified, the engineer may choose to run a diagnostic inspection or perform an overall assessment. This kind of light touch is an efficient, low-cost improvement program that is currently in Japan and Used by Asian car companies.

Engineering managers can use the captured or created executable data to remotely monitor the plant's production operations. An M2M portal has been introduced to provide links to allow engineers to remotely monitor their device operations via smartphones or tablets. This method eliminates the need for large-scale systems and reduces the amount of investment needed to maintain world-class plant operations.

Industry 4.0 not only improves production efficiency, but also provides system monitoring and improves product quality. In addition, it can also achieve large-scale on-demand production. If the auto industry adopts digitalization, it will see more software-oriented focus in the future, and the investment direction will no longer be presses and molds, providing more diversified customization projects for auto companies.

Many large car companies have started to use Industry 4.0, and Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers should follow suit and begin to transition to digital production. Otherwise, they will lose their competitive advantage.

It is advisable to begin with digital improvements on a small scale instead of replacing the entire production system. Although in the short term, the method of digital transformation of existing processes seems impractical, but it will help enterprises to take advantage of future competition.

Hydraulic Cone Crusher

A Cone Crusher is basically a machine used to crush or smash big material substances into smaller or fine particles. Although there are other types of crushers like Jaw Crusher , Gyratory Crusher and impact rusher, cone crushers are specifically designed with a cone shaped inlet from where the object material is put in for crushing. There are two types of cone crushers viz. Spring Cone Crusher and Hydraulic Cone Crusher. However, Hydraulic Cone Crusher gives you more advantages than a normal spring cone crusher.


High crushing ratio and production efficiency
The rates greater power and this helps the machine to pass the material at an excellent speed. So, eventually it delivers a high production and crushing rate.

Low maintenance cost
This is a great advantage that one can have with a Hydraulic Cone Crusher. Almost all components of the machine have an anti wearing protection. Ultimately, this increases the life span of components by around 30%. So, increased life means increased efficiency and low maintenance cost.

High quality product shape output
A hydraulic cone crusher uses the method of pressuring two surface layers to crush objects and has adjustable turning speed. A hydraulic cone crusher can selectively smash objects while crushing and this can help increase the quality output of fine objects and cubic shaped objects, as wished.

Automatic discharging
The bidirectional metal releasing part of a hydraulic cone crusher automatically adjusts and discharges the bulk while crushing. So there is no need to halt the crushing process and clean the objects manually.

Thin oil lubrication system
The thin oil lubrication system of a hydraulic cone crusher plays a very important role in increasing the life of a crusher. This further helps in making the production process cost efficient.

Hydraulic Cone Crusher,High Efficiency Hydraulic Cone Crusher,High Ratio Crushing Cone Crusher,High Efficiency Cone Crusher

Shenyang Sanland Mining Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd. ,