Automechanika Shangairako gonbidapena 2017 - Txina Lutong

Automechanika Shangairako gonbidapena 2017 - Txina Lutong

Dear Sir / Madam,

Oso eskertzen dizugu Txina Lutong-ekin epe luzerako laguntza hau.

Zoriontsu eta atsegina egiten zait automechanika Shangai 2017ra, automozioko piezen, osagarrien, ekipamenduen eta zerbitzuen hornitzaileen automobilgintzaren bigarren Automechanika azokan. Automechanika Shanghai azaroaren 29an egingo da - 2017ko abenduaren 2an, Shanghai, Txinako Erakusketa eta Zentro Nazionalean. Ikuskizuna bisitatzen duten bisitari kopurua handitzea espero da, 140.000 herrialde eta eskualde 130.000rekin. Ongi etorri gurekin bisitatu gure kabina 3F68 Hall 3 at.

China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include plunger barrel,Control Valve, Injectors,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.

Automechanika Shanghai 2017
Booth NO .: 3F68, 3. aretoan
Data: 29 Azaroa - 2017ko abenduaren 2a
Helbidea: Erakusketa Nazionala eta Biltzar Zentroa (Shanghai), Txina.
Webgunea: http://
Kontratua: Dennis Shi

Erakutsiko zaizu!

Zurea benetan

Blunt Type Chisels

A Complete world-famous brand of hydraulic breaker chisels supplies: Soosan, Furukawa, Atlas Copco, Npk, Krupp, Montabert, Indeco. etc.
An integrated hydraulic breaker (Side type, Top type, Silence type) and spare parts (piston, cylinder, head cover, rod bush, valve, pin, and bolts. etc)

With the vision to extend its competitive advantages to let customers use quality at reasonable price hydraulic breaker chisels products,
Hanbing Machinery was born and soon expanded its reach to become a one-stop operational resource manufacturing factories for Hydraulic Breaker Chisel,

Hence, Hanbing is available to show you our product range and guide you in the choice of the products that best fit your needs:

★ Flexibility in Shape, Length and Fast Delivery
★10 years of accumulated heat treatment technology
★Superior quality based on precise engineering & high-quality materials, all products have stood the tests of International markets for 10 years.
★ We promised you will get a new one if the using chisel length is less than 10% of the standard length (Must be the normal working abrasion)
Our warranty policy and after-sales services could make you rest easy

Steel Chisel,Blunt Type Chisels,Fine23 Hydraulic Breaker Chisels,Various Models Hydraulic Breaker

Handan Hanbing Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd ,